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6. Lists

You can build many structures out of conses. Perhaps the simplest is a linked list: the car of each cons points to one of the elements of the list, and the cdr points either to another cons or to nil. You can create such a linked list with the list fuction:

> (list 4 5 6)
(4 5 6)

Notice that LISP prints linked lists a special way: it omits some of the periods and parentheses. The rule is: if the cdr of a cons is nil, LISP doesn't bother to print the period or the nil; and if the cdr of cons A is cons B, then LISP doesn't bother to print the period for cons A or the parentheses for cons B. So:

> (cons 4 nil)
> (cons 4 (cons 5 6))
(4 5 . 6)
> (cons 4 (cons 5 (cons 6 nil)))
(4 5 6)

The last example is exactly equivalent to the call (list 4 5 6). Note that nil now means the list with no elements: the cdr of (a b), a list with 2 elements, is (b), a list with 1 element; and the cdr of (b), a list with 1 element, is nil, which therefore must be a list with no elements.

The car and cdr of nil are defined to be nil.

If you store your list in a variable, you can make it act like a stack:

> (setq a nil)
> (push 4 a)
> (push 5 a)
(5 4)
> (pop a)
> a
> (pop a)
> (pop a)
> a

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