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7. Method combination.

When more than one class defines a method for a generic function, and more than one method is applicable to a given set of arguments, the applicable methods are combined into a single "effective method". Each individual method definition is then only part of the definition of the effective method.

One kind of method combination is always supported by CLOS. It is called standard method combination. It is also possible to define new kinds of method combination. Standard method combination involves four kinds of methods:

:BEFORE, :AFTER, and :AROUND methods are indicated by putting the corresponding keyword as a qualifier in the method definition. :BEFORE and :AFTER methods are the easiest to use, and a simple example will show how they work:

(defclass food () ())

(defmethod cook :before ((f food))
  (print "A food is about to be cooked."))

(defmethod cook :after ((f food))
  (print "A food has been cooked."))

(defclass pie (food)
  ((filling :accessor pie-filling :initarg :filling :initform 'apple)))

(defmethod cook ((p pie))
  (print "Cooking a pie")
  (setf (pie-filling p) (list 'cooked (pie-filling p))))

(defmethod cook :before ((p pie))
  (print "A pie is about to be cooked."))

(defmethod cook :after ((p pie))
  (print "A pie has been cooked."))

(setq pie-1 (make-instance 'pie :filling 'apple))

And now:

<cl> (cook pie-1)
"A pie is about to be cooked."
"A food is about to be cooked." 
"Cooking a pie"
"A food has been cooked."
"A pie has been cooked."
(cooked apple)

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